Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering - Basic data

Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering

Head of department

Dr. Róbert Szepesházi PhD, associate professor


Address: H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.

Telephone: +36 96 613-633




Members of the department (from left to right)

Dr. György Lőrincz PhD, associate professor,  Prof. Richard P. Ray full professor, Ákos Wolf professor’s assistant, Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai assistant professor, Imre Cserpes professor’s assistant, Zsolt Szilvágyi professor’s assistant, Katalin Halvax professor’s assistant, Dr. Movahedi Rad Majid PhD, assistant professor, Dr. Edina Koch PhD, assistant professor, Dr. György Németh college associate professor, Dr. Róbert Szepesházi PhD, associate professor, Judit Tamási management administrator, Zoltán Teiter, teacher of engineering, Dr. Enikő Baróti PhD, associate professor, Dr. Ádám Bukovics PhD, professor’s assistant, Ferenc Fekete professor’s assistant, János Szép assistant professor, Péter Hudacsek professor’s assistant, István Borbély technitian, Zoltán Fehér professor’s assistant, Dr. László Lublóy college associate professor

Not included in the photo

Géza Herceg, teacher of engineering, Dr. Péter Scharle CSc, Professzor Emeritus, Lívia Szabó professor’s assistant