Nemzetközi workshop


The Intensive Programme  „Innovative use of wood in construction” which supported and funded by the Erasmus brings together five Higher Educational Institutions in five different countries. The institutions are joined together and establish common course module (5 ECTS). They won these support for three years. The first course was organized by the finnish partner institution with a really great success in 2012, next year the Széchenyi István University hosted this event (in 2013), and the last part will be organised by the Fachhochschule Salzburg.

Partner institutions:

  - Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland 
  - Fachhochchule Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
  - Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
  - Universitat de Griona, Spain
  - Széchenyi István University, Hungary

The course module is to be held as an international workshop which focuses on the use of wood in an innovative way. Each partner institution send six students and two members of teaching staff.

In this way, students from five diferent institutions and different disciplines work together in order to develop their projects in multicultural workgrous. Participating students have the opportunity to learn more about other countries, culrures, languages and can extend their knowledge in new areas of study because in addition to the projects lectures on wood-structures and wood-architecture can be listened.

For further information do not hesitate to contact us:
Katalin Halvax
András Cseh 

The website of the course held in Hungary can be found here:

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