Movahedi Rad Majid
Név Dr. MOVAHEDI Rad Majid
Beosztás egyetemi tanár
tudományos dékánhelyettes
Szobaszám 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. tanulmányi ép. D-401
Telefonszám 3202
+36 96 503 400/3202
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Szervezeti egység Szerkezetépítési és Geotechnikai Tanszék
Építész-, Építő- és Közlekedésmérnöki Kar
Hivatkozások, kapcsolódó anyagok MTMT

További információk

Konzultációs időpont  Szerda 10:00-12
Oktatott tárgyak Építőmérnök BSc nappali  

Tartószerkezetek mechanikája I. - előadás

Tartószerkezetek mechanikája II. - előadás, oktatási segédlet


Infrastruktúra szerkezetek mechanikája

 Építőmérnök BSc nappali - angol Mechanics for Civil Engineering  
Finite Element Method in Engineering  
 Doktori Iskola Szimulációs eljárások tartószerkezetek viselkedésének vizsgálatára  
Simulation of structural behaviours  
TDK konzultáció  
Diploma konzultáció    
Életrajz M_Majid_önéletrajz    
Kutatási terület Rugalmas-képlékeny szerkezetek optimálása.  
Publikációs tevékenység Utóbbi 10 év publikációi

Movahedi Rad M. and Z. Fehér (2014). Plastic limit analysis of lateral piles for uncertain conditions. Twelfth international conference on computational structures technolog, B. V. H. Topping and P. Iványi, (editors), Civil-Comp Press, stirlingshire,  Nápoly, Olaszország, szeptember 2-5, paper 137

Movahedi Rad M. (2011) Valószínűségi változókkal bővített optimálási módszerek a szerkezeti képlékenységtanban, PhD disszertáció.

Movahedi Rad M. and Lógó J. (2011). Plastic Behaviour and Stability   Constraints in the Reliability Based Shakedown Analysis and Optimal Design of Skeletal Structures. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering-Building and Housing, 12 (4), 395-413.
Lógó J., Movahedi Rad M., Knabel J. and Tauzowski P. (2011). Reliability Based Design of Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 1-10.
Movahedi Rad M., Lógó J. and S Kaliszky S. (2010). Optimal Design of Elasto-Plastic Skeletal Structures Subjected to Stochastic Extreme Loads. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Karlsruhe, Germany, Mar. 22-26.
Lógó J., Movahedi Rad M. and Hjiaj M. (2010). Plastic Behaviour and Stability Constraints in the Reliability Based Shakedown Analysis and Optimal Design of Skeletal Structures. In: B H V Topping, J M Adam, F J Pallarés, R Bru M L Romero (ed.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Valencia, Spain, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 1-14. Paper 203.
Lógó J., Vásárhelyi A., Ghaemi M. and Movahedi Rad M. (2010). Topology Optimization in the Case of Uncertain Load Positions. In: Johann Sienz, Vassili V Toropov, Osvaldo M Querin, Fabian Duddeck (ed.) 8th ASMO UK / ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization. London, England, pp. 1-11.
Lógó J., Movahedi Rad M. and Kaliszky S. (2009). Optimal Design of Elasto-plastic Structures Subjected to Stochastic Extreme Loads. In: WCSMO-8: 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Lisbon, Portugal, 1-6. Paper 1232. CD paper ISBN:978-989-20-1554-5.
Movahedi Rad M., Lógó J., Knabel J. and Tauzowski P. (2009). Reliability Based Limit Design of Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. Proceeding in Applied Matehematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 9, (1), 709-710.

Kaliszky S., Lógó J. and Movahedi Rad M. (2009). New hardening and softening material models to the elasto-plastic analysis of bar structures. Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics with Special Symposia. Ráckeve, Hungary, Aug. 23-29.

Movahedi Rad M., Lógó J. and Hjiaj M. (2009). Reliability Based Analysis and Optimum Design of Frames. In: 17th Inter-Institute Seminar. Crakow, Poland, 2009.05.22.

Lógó J., Ghaemi M. and Movahedi Rad M. (2009). Optimal Topologies in the case of Probabilistic Loading: The Influence of Load Correlation. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. 37:(3) pp. 327-348.

Lógó J., Movahedi Rad M., Tamássy T., Knabel J. and Tauzowski P. (2009). Reliability Based Optimal Design of Frames With Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, B.H.V. Topping, L.F. Costa Neves, R.C. Barros, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper, 52.
Movahedi Rad M., Lógó J., Knabel J. and Tauzowski P. (2009). Reliability Based Limit Design of Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. In: 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Gdansk, Poland, Feb. 9-13.
Lógó J., Kaliszky S., Hjiaj M. and Movahedi Rad M. (2008). Plastic Limit and Shakedown Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections, in DFE2008 Design, Fabrication and Economy, eds K. Jármai, J. Farkas, Horwood Limited Publishers, Chichester, 237-244.
Lógó J., Vásárhelyi A., Movahedi Rad M. and Stocki R. (2008). Reliability Based Limit Analysis of Steel Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. Proceeding in Applied Mathematic and Mechanics (PAMM), 8, 10041-10044.
Lógó J., Vásárhelyi A., Movahedi Rad M. and Stocki R. (2008). Reliability Based Limit Analysis of Steel Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. In: 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung. Bremen, Germany, Mar. 31- Apr.4.
Lógó J., Ghaemi M. and Movahedi Rad M. (2008). Optimal Topologies with Loading Uncertanities. In: B A Scherefler , U Perego (ed.): 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8): 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Venezia, Italy, Jun 30, pp. 1-2.
Lógó J., Movahedi Rad M., Knabel J. and Hortobágyi Z. (2008). Reliability Based Limit Analysis and Shakedown of Framed Structures with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. In: B H V Topping, M Papadrakakis (ed.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Athens, Greece, 161, 1-14. (ISBN: 978-1-905088-22-5).
Movahedi Rad M. (2006). Numerical analysis of load bearing capacity of piled raft foundations. Farszi nyelven, Irán, Msc disszertáció.
Öt legfontosabb publikáció Movahedi Rad M. and Lógó J. (2011). Plastic Behaviour and Stability   Constraints in the Reliability Based Shakedown Analysis and Optimal Design of Skeletal Structures. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering-Building and Housing, 12 (4), 395-413.
Lógó J., Movahedi Rad M., Knabel J. and Tauzowski P. (2011). Reliability Based Design of Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 13-20.
Movahedi Rad M., Lógó J., Knabel J. and Tauzowski P. (2009). Reliability Based Limit Design of Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. Proceeding in Applied Matehematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 9, (1), 709-710.
Lógó J., Ghaemi M. and Movahedi Rad M. (2009). Optimal Topologies in the case of Probabilistic Loading: The Influence of Load Correlation. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. 37:(3) pp. 327-348.
Lógó J., Vásárhelyi A., Movahedi Rad M. and Stocki R. (2008). Reliability Based Limit Analysis of Steel Frames with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity. Proceeding in Applied Mathematic and Mechanics (PAMM), 8, 10041-10044.
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